Ultra Zone (ウルトラゾーン, Urutora Zōn) was a variety show featuring Ultra Kaiju, leading up to the franchise's 45th anniversary film's opening on March 24. The program aired on various Japanese television networks from October 16, 2011 to March 25, 2012. Each half-hour episode demonstrated the Ultra monsters' characteristics in a variety of comic situations. One part of the show was a short story segment with scenarios such as "if a monster comes to get a massage" and "if a transfer student was a mon
Ultra Series / Referenced By - TV Tropes
Ultraman Zero, Wiki
Ultraman (1967 film)
Ultraman Taiga Tri-Strium Slash (8500) - Cardfight Vanguard Card
US Toys Questions, Page 9
Ultraseven - Wikipedia
Shin Ultraman (2022) Wikizilla, the kaiju encyclopedia
Ultraman Zero, Wiki
Ultraman Noa, Ultraman Wiki, Fandom
Ultraman - Wikiwand
Ultraman Blazar (TV Series 2023–2024) - IMDb
Who's the strongest, Ultraman, Godzilla, or Gomora? - Quora